Nottingham Family Photographer

Why business photography is actually good for your business.

Business photography in small and large companies

Tips on how to gain much more customers.

Business photography in small and large companies - luxury or necessity?

“One picture is worth more than a thousand words,” says an old Chinese proverb. This wisdom was known to people several hundred years ago. How does it translate into the realities of today’s business? Do companies with good photos and visual aspects of their products and services actually sell more?ย 

Read on and you will understand better:

* is advertising / commercial photography for you.

* which affects the customer’s purchasing decision.

* which makes up the “perfect photo”.

What can I say about Marta; sheโ€™s a lovely lady who has your genuine interests at heart. Iโ€™m not the best in front of the camera, I prefer to be behind it! Iโ€™m too shy and stiff, but Marta reassured me, helped with my poses, and by the end of the shoot I loosened up and was strutting around with the confidence of a pro... That enabled Marta could get the photos I needed, which turned out awesome ๐Ÿ˜Š Thanks Marta!
Andy Gray

Who is business photography for?

Whether you are a small, local company offering its services to a narrow audience (hairdresser, dentist, beautician, videographer) or a national company selling products throughout England or the United Kingdom, one thing is for sure. If you want to differentiate yourself from the competition, you need to ensure about the visual side of your business.

Local business ...

… will gain much more customers. If they present on their website (or fan page) photos of a professional team, the effects of their work, the place where they work, and the equipment they use.

Anyone looking for services from this particular profession will trust the salon more quickly and go to a place. Where they know what to expect – because they have already seen it in the photo – than to a place where nothing is known.

Business photography traps

It should be remembered that with the help of photos you can easily achieve the opposite of the intended effect. And instead of attracting the client – scare him away! How? For example, showing pictures of poor quality, taken quickly with a phone, without order and composition.ย 

Then the person browsing the website, instead of the impression of professionalism emanating from your company. Will feel sloppy and rushed, which, unfortunately, may affect his decision. He will simply look for an offer that is more attractive from his point of view – from the competition.

So how do you prepare a "perfect business photo"?

There is no clear answer as to what a perfectly made commercial photo should have. It’s because other aspects relate to the product, advertising, culinary or image photography. In addition, each business has its own specificity, and thus – individual requirements. Nevertheless, the common feature of any perfect photography is high quality and professional execution.

Corporate photos- Business Photography

In this particular category, I focus on the image (companies, brands, people, services). Usually, this type of photography is carried out in the client’s company (an exception may be a business session in a professional studio).

Corporate photos allow you to get to know the entire company (people, processes, workplace, etc.). Therefore have a significant impact on building positive relations between the company and a potential customer.

What to do to get the best busines image photo effect?

* Focus on naturalness – photos of the team (employees, managers, management) and the environment should evoke positive emotions.

*Create a concept suitable for the specifics of a given industry. The photos taken for a group of IT specialists (casual style) will be different. The photos taken for a law firm (formal style) will be different.

* Distinguish the most important aspects of a given activity. In one case it could be hardware, in another, it could be people or processes.

* Photos create the image – so they should be professional, well-thought-out and of the best quality.

An essential marketing tool for stationary and online business- Business Photography

Regardless of whether you run an online store, sell products on Etsy, Amazon, eBay, or provide services on the local market – in any case. The first contact of the customer with the company is usually via a photo!

Good-quality photography of a product, service or image will not only keep the customer on the site. But can also affect their interest and positive reception of the entire website.

A focused videographer captures moments at Elvaston Castle, showcasing the merging of historic beauty and modern storytelling in Nottingham.

Research shows

Research shows that the first seconds are crucial when contacting a new person. Similar processes are taking place on the Internet. The website, even with the best prices and description of the offer. Will not guarantee the customer’s willingness to read its content. However, it can be done with professional and unique business photos.

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